World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day is celebrated in early October each year and it’s a time dedicated to raising awareness of mental health issues around the world.
We recognise the importance of taking good care of our mental health on World Mental Health Day (and beyond!) so, we chatted with our talking therapy providers about how to manage your mental health.
Connect with others
A quick natter over a cuppa, really can have a positive impact on our mood. There are also lots of digital ways we can keep in touch with other people, such as by text, video call, or through social media channels.
Get active
Doing just twenty minutes of moderate exercise each day can help to increase your mood significantly, as well as benefitting your physical health too. If you can incorporate these into daily tasks (such as mowing the lawn, taking a pet for a walk, seeing friends etc.,), into your daily routine too, it doesn’t feel like an extra thing to do.
Learn new skills
Taking on a new hobby, such as joining a gardening or walking group, a new gym or book group is a great way to learn new skills, have fun, and connect with other like-minded people. Trying new activities can also help to take you out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.
Be kind to others
Carrying out a random act of kindness, such as paying for a stranger’s coffee or dropping some unexpected flowers round to a friend’s home, not only gives you the ‘feel good factor’ but makes someone else’s day a bit brighter too.
Look after your wellbeing
‘Self-care’ is a phrase that is used a lot, and it can feel like an effort or an added expense. However, it can be something as small as finding just five minutes of peace and quiet in the day to enjoy something you love, such as watching the birds, reading the newspaper or mediating for a few moments , really can make all the difference to your mental health.
Get more support
Life has it’s up and downs – that’s to be expected. But if you’re feeling low, worried, sad, or anxious for longer than two weeks, it’s important to seek professional help. The Kent and Medway Talking Therapies team can help you access free NHS talking therapies to give you help, support and practical ways to manage your mental health today and in the future. Please get in touch as soon as possible.

Published date:
21st September 2022
In partnership with:
NHS Talking Therapies, Kent and Medway